May 19 - 20: MCAP English 10 Testing (Periods 1-3 will test in the AM and Periods 4-6 will testing the PM both days)
May 23 - 27: American Govt Testing
May 26 - June 1: MCAP Algebra 1 Testing (except for Ms. Peguero's class-- they will test May 24-27 and June 1)
June 2 & 3: Make up testing
Testing Details
Each test has four sections. Algebra 1 and 2, MISA and American Government will be completed over four days in the actual class. English 10 will be 4 sections over 2 days, (two sections each day).
Algebra 1, 2, MISA and Government test sections are 40 minutes long
English 10 is 70 minutes long
All 40-minute tests will be taken in their respective classes (i.e. Algebra 1 will be taken during their Algebra 1 class.)
English 10 testing will be AM/ PM sessions over 2 days.
All tests are taken on the computer.
Student Responsibilities
Please bring your fully charged Chromebook to school with your power cord
Arrive at school well rested and on time.
Be punctual to your testing class.
No cell phones or electronic communication devices. Devices should be off and placed in your backpack. Your backpack should be placed at the assigned location in the classroom.