Activities & Clubs

Active Minds at Oakland Mills High School

Active Minds is a national organization that has over 700 chapters in the United States and Canada. Many of these chapters are at colleges and universities. Active Minds provides resources and education to increase mental health awareness, advocate for the mental health of students, and reduce the stigma of mental illness. Our chapter does this by presenting information, bringing in speakers, providing information and resources to the Oakland Mills High School community, and creating a safe place to discuss topics of interest. Our chapter is open to all OMHS students.

Meeting times vary. Announcements of our meetings are made on the school announcements, posted on flyers around the school, and messaged to chapter members through their Canvas account.

Dr. Jonathan Solomon | School Psychologist |
Kristin Anderson-Little |

Alpha Achievers

Targeting African-American males in grades 9 - 12, the Alpha Achievers is an education program of the Howard County, Maryland Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. It fosters a positive learning environment in order to facilitate students’ pursuit of excellence by attaining, maintaining and exceeding the minimum of a 3.0 GPA. The program also seeks to encourage and motivate those students who have less than a 3.0 grade point average to strive toward it.

Bryan Ringgold |

Anime Club

Students meet weekly to discuss and watch their favorite Anime.

Meeting times: Every Thursday from 2:15-3:45pm in Room 807.

Casey Retterer |

Asian and Pacific Islander Student Association

The ASU strives to help raise awareness and donate funds to local Asian owned businesses, as well as learn more of the diverse Asian cultures during meetings and events. 

Membership is open to all of the OM community!

Meetings will be hosted every second Wednesday of the month in Mr. Lo’s classroom (room 511) at 2:15pm.

Peter Kwok Kuen Lo |

Astronomy Club

We will spend our time planning events to stargaze and observe any planetary objects. We will learn how to assemble and operate multiple kinds of telescopes, as well as how they work. Some other activities may include charting/mapping the stars, astrophotography, and planning trips to locations ideal for using telescopes.

We meet alternate Thursdays from 2:45 to 3:15 pm in Room 100 (Mrs. Smart’s room). See the poster outside Mrs. Smart’s room for our next meeting date.

Contact Sean Hillery or Saitej Gorrepati for more information.

Erin Smart |

Black Student Union

Our vision for BSU is to serve the OMHS school population with cultural, educational, and social initiatives as we aim to build leaders, promote unity and contribute to student success.

Meeting times: Wednesdays after school.

Bryan Ringgold |
Edryn Coleman |

Book Club

Do you love reading? Do you enjoy writing? The OMHS Book Club meets every Wednesday after school to discuss books and to support each other's writing. Join us each Wednesday in Ms. Brook's room, room 303 to get involved and for more information.

Meeting times: Every Wednesday from 2:10-3:00pm in Room 303.

Amy Brooks |

Escorpiones Latinos

This club is for Hispanic and Latinos students at OMHS. They meet for academic and social activities as well as community involvement and improvement. This club strives to promote pride and conservation of the culture.

Meeting times: Thursdays after school.

Jose de la Mar |


A business and finance club open to any student.

Contact Mr. Cutler with questions.


Brett Cutler |

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Group of athletes (or anyone else who is interested) that come together multiple times a month to discuss faith and how it relates to their athletics. We do volunteer work in our community. We are a Christian-based group but are open to all athletes who are interested in the group and what we do. We believe that everyone should have the chance to have a group to talk about their faith and to create a sense of community that can enhance a positive connection that translates to the field, court, etc. We do a study that is created by FCA in their book and use that as discussion points and ways to create a deeper conversation.

We meet Wednesdays during ScorpTime in Mr. Hipszer's classroom, 204.


Matthew Hipszer |

Film Club

A place for students to discuss all things filmmaking, and meet like-minded people to help make their projects.


Brendan Williams |

Gaming Club

Students in the Gaming Club come together every week to play video and board games. The Gaming Club has setups for WiiU, Nintendo Switch, and PS4 in addition to a closet full of board games. Come share your favorite game or discover a new one!

Meeting times: Every Thursday from 2:10-3:45pm in Room 807.

Rebecca Ache |
Casey Retterer |

Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) is a space for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies. If you’d like a safe space to be seen, heard, and accepted, please join us in meeting on Tuesdays 2:45 -3:15pm in Room 203. 


Kristin Anderson-Little |

Green Scorpions

The goal of the Green Scorpions is to better the environment in the community. The agenda of the club is to build the garden, better the environment in the school, and to bring awareness to the damage we are causing and how to prevent these damages. The events that occur out of school include hiking trips and other nature trips. Club members are expected to be passionate about helping the environment and attend the club meetings.

Follow us on Twitter: @OMGreenScorps

Meeting times: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2:30-3:00 Room 801


Stephanie Doodigian |

It's Academic

Students compete and answer trivia questions to show what they know. Besides competing on the longest-running game show, the It's Academic team also competes in local high school trivia tournaments on a few weekends throughout the year.

Meeting times: Every Tuesday from 2:10-3:00pm in Mr. Davis's room.

Casey Retterer |

Leadership International

Leadership International (L.I.) aims to teach and instill leadership qualities, moral values, social skills, and academic excellence into today's youth so that they would improve in character and become more useful to society. We strive to raise up seasoned and godly leaders for our generation who will impact their world through Christ.

Membership is open to ALL!

Meetings are held Thursdays at 2:15 in Mrs. Martiñez’s room (305).

Follow us on Instagram: @leadership___international

Juana Martinez-Peralta |

Math Team

Math Team is a club where members are challenged with higher-level critical thinking math problems. Math Team hopes to facilitate a more enjoyable mathematic environment for students. It also wants to create space for students who enjoy math to continue to envelop themselves in it. With this, the team is also a part of the Howard County Mathematics League where schools participate in monthly math competitions. The monthly competitions last until 5:15pm.

Always looking for new members!

Meeting times: Practice Wednesdays @ 2:45-3:15 in room 604

Competitions Wednesdays (monthly)

Heather Gulotta |

Mock Trial

The goals of Mock Trial are to educate students about law and trials. Members perform in a trial in a courthouse, in front of a judge to display their knowledge of the trial, law, and performance quality. At meetings, members will prepare for the trial, which includes forming opening and closing statements, witness statements, and cross-examinations. Outside of school, members are expected to go to Mock Trial competitions at the Howard County courthouse. Members must be present at their team's cases and are recommended to come to the school's and other team's cases as well. Members are expected to come to meetings and be productive as well as work outside of meetings to be prepared for trial competitions. Members will portray the roles of lawyers and witnesses, so acting and public speaking skills would be good characteristics to have.

Meeting times: Thursdays from 2:10-3:00pm in Room 212.

Brendan Williams |

National ART Honor Society

Meets in Room 709 NAHS recognizes and inspires students who have shown an outstanding ability and passion for the visual arts. As part of NAHS students will participate in service projects that benefit the art, school and local community. Specific GPA and sevice hours must be met.
Kiersten Bram |

National Honor Society

The mission of the National Honor Society is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of OMHS. All Juniors and Seniors with a cumulative 3.40 (weighted) GPA or higher are considered for NHS at the beginning of the school year. The students fill out an application and are evaluated on the basis of Service, Leadership, and Character. Once inducted, NHS members are expected to participate in both individual and group service activities, uphold the four pillars of NHS, and attend all meetings.

Meeting dates and times will be announced in Canvas.



Elizabeth Mauriello (

Randi Trzesinski (


2024-2025 Officers

President: Isaac Ramsey

Vice President: Samra Mesfin

Secretary: Aniyah McGregor

Community Liaison: Heaven Alexander

Parliamentarian: Laila Brooks

Contact our officers:


Oakland Mills High School Chapter Bylaws

This version of the bylaws was approved by a 2/3 majority of voting members on February 10, 2023. If a member has a question/concern about any of the bylaws, please see one of the officers.


NHS National Constitution

The following version of the NHS National Constitution was approved for all chapters on November 6, 2015, by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Board of Directors. This is the most recent edition for use by chapters.


NHS Handbook

Includes additional information and guidance on the NHS National Constitution.


NHS Candidates:

Please see the Canvas message that went out on September 4, 2024. Included in that message is a link to the invitation letter, application, and directions for how to submit your application electronically.

If you have any questions about the form, contact: Mrs. Mauriello ( or Ms. Trzesinski ( Applications are due on Friday, September 20, 2024.


Responsibilities of Members:

  • Maintain 3.40 cumulative GPA (weighted)
  • Participate in chapter service projects and individual service activities (32 hours/year)
  • Accept leadership responsibilities
  • Model high standards of character expected of NHS members
  • Pay dues established by the chapter
    • Payment Options:
      • Cash
      • Check (made payable to Oakland Mills High School)
      • Online (please note there is a 4% convenience fee)
  • Attend membership meetings held monthly


Volunteer Opportunities

Service hours are due each month. To submit your service hours, complete the Volunteer Record Sheet and turn it in at the monthly meeting. You may also turn your hours into Ms. Trzesinski or the vice president.

In need of service hours? There are always opportunities available. Here are some places you might want to check out:

Howard County Volunteers

  • A fantastic resource! This site lists numerous service opportunities in Howard County. You can search by your zip code to find local places. You can even refine your search to include only those places that are appropriate for teens.

Grassroots Crisis Intervention

  • Volunteer opportunities with this local organization, including making/delivering bag lunches for their shelter, helping with holiday donations, and making items like curtains, placemats, and laundry bags for shelter clients.

Are you currently doing weekly/monthly service? Does your organization need more volunteers? Spread the word! Let your fellow NHS members know about these opportunities.

Elizabeth Mauriello |
Randi Trzesinski | Media Specialist |

National Technical Honor Society

Meets the first Wednesday of each month, after school in Room 404.

NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students, provides scholarships to encourage the pursuit of higher education, and cultivates excellence in today’s highly competitive, skilled workforce. For over 30 years, NTHS has been the acknowledged leader in the recognition of outstanding student achievement in career and technical education. The National Technical Honor Society currently serves approximately 100,000 active members and nearly a million members since its inception in 1984; awarding over $1.7 million in scholarships to date.

Michael Mosier |


The Poms Team works to raise school spirit through dance at athletic events and other school-sponsored activities. The team is always looking for motivated people who love to dance, perform, and entertain people. If you love to dance, try out for the Poms team! Tryouts are held in May for the Fall Team and in November for the Winter Team.

Follow us on Instagram - @OMHSPoms


Pre-Med Club

The Pre-Med club aims to give members opportunities to explore their interests regarding the medical field. Students will be enriched through informational seminars where health professionals will speak about their careers and role in the field of medicine. Students embrace their curiosity and prepare themselves for post-secondary education through this group. Additionally, volunteering opportunities will also give students the chance to get first-hand experience in the medical area.

We meet virtually Mondays at 7pm (once every two weeks).


Shelia Demery |
Christina Hewitt |

Robotics Club

The goals of the OMHS Robotics Club are to build a strong robotics team through cooperation and applying good engineering design. Our intention is to meet on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons, but dates may change. Our agenda is to define game strategy, brainstorm/discuss design, build/program, and redesign a robot for the FIRST robotics competition. Events occurring outside of school include competitions on weekends. All members will need to volunteer at the school-hosted competition. Team members are required to attend at least one meeting per week and to communicate with the team captains about stations.

Meeting times: Every Tuesday/Thursday from 2:20-4:00pm in Room 407.

Beth Goodman |
Skip Yarn |

Scholars Leadership Program

The OMHS Scholars' Leadership Program (formally called the Delta Scholars) was founded in 2010 as an organization that would recognize and encourage academic achievement while developing characteristics essential to leadership. The ideals of scholarship, character, class, culture, service, and leadership remain relevant today. Through service activities, members maintain and extend the qualities upon which the organization was founded.

Scholars' Leadership Program Online Application 2023-2024


Nicole Brown-Fordham |
Cecily Cooper |

Science Olympiad

The mission of Maryland Science Olympiad is to provide fun and challenging science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) competitions that build team skills and highlight the value that diversity brings to a team. Science Olympiad competitions are like academic track meets, consisting of a series of 23 team events.

Science Olympiad is welcome to all students interested science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Everything from earth science to cell biology to robotics and more.

Wednesdays: 2:30-3:00 and/or Virtual Meeting Times and weekend workdays (see Ms. Doodigian)


Stephanie Doodigian |

Seniors' Outreach Club

Do you like helping your community through artworks? The OM Seniors' Outreach club spreads happiness amongst the senior citizens through artistic expression. Senior social isolation has worsened because of the COVID pandemic, creating a drastic impact on their mental health. Illustrations, paintings, handwritten letters, or other forms of artwork would bring immense joy to the senior citizens in our community! ANY heartfelt contribution is greatly appreciated!

Meeting dates TBD please contact Ms. Gimpel or for any questions.

To join, email “JOIN” to


Veronica Gimpel |

Social Activism Club

The Social Activism Club’s goal is to inform students about social issues that are affecting our communities and others outside of them. We also want to help these people by signing petitions and hosting fundraisers. This club is open to any student in OMHS who is interested in social activism. We will meet twice a month.


Jynease Johnson |

Speech & Debate Club

Speech and Debate is specialized in a combination of public speaking, professional argumentation and researching new topics. Students will learn how to adapt in a competitive environment against other Howard County schools. The club is open to anyone.

Meetings: 2:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 103


Richard Ewart |

Spirit Club

Spirit Club's goal is to promote school spirit and increase awareness of events and games at OMHS. We paint posters, eat pizza, and cheer on the Scorps! All are welcome to attend whenever and however often they can - and bring a friend!

Meeting times: Every Friday during sports seasons from 2:10-3:00pm in Room 105.

Niklas Berry |

Student Government Association (SGA)

Students who have a 2.0 GPA as well as a signed petition by thirty (30) peers and teachers can run for an office by giving a speech in front of the entire grade level class. Members are expected to help coordinate and organize school-wide events to encourage and promote school community and spirit like Planning Spirit Weeks, Pep Rallys, School Fundraising, and Dances.

Executive Board:

  • President: Kiana Macharia
  • 1st Vice President: Adam Mostafa
  • 2nd Vice President: Amaiyah Epps
  • Corresponding Secretary: Roshnee Roberts
  • Recording Secretary: Alyssa Gruneberg
Katherine Florida | Media Specialist |

Tri-M Music Honor Society

The Tri-M Music Honor Society strives to provide volunteer service for music initiatives throughout our school and community. Additionally, students are given extra opportunities to perform within the society, at music department recitals, and through service projects. Tri-M members are selected based on their academic and musical achievements, as well as their strength of character. We meet about once a month to discuss upcoming events, service opportunities, and ideas to promote Tri-M's involvement in the community. Members should have at least a 2.0 GPA and be in at least one music class during the school year.


Jason Heaton |

Yarn Club

The Oakland Mills High School Yarn Club welcomes crocheters/knitters of all skill levels. It will be a space for everyone to relax and unwind right after school, talk, and work on any group or individual projects they may have! Additionally, the OMHS Yarn Club provides those who want to learn how to crochet or knit with guidance to learn the basics and grow from there.

We meet on Thursdays after school in Mrs. Magrin's room (307).


Ashleigh Magrin |

Yoga Club

Join Yoga Club!

Are you looking for a way to de-stress, stay fit, and find some inner peace? Come join the Yoga Club! Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just curious about trying something new, this is the perfect place for you.

What to Expect:
Relaxing yoga sessions for all levels
Guided meditation and mindfulness practices
Tips on healthy living and wellness
A supportive and welcoming community

When: Every Thursday 2:45-3:45 pm 
Where: Dance Studio 
What to Bring: Water bottle and comfy clothes. 

No experience is necessary, and everyone is welcome! So, roll out your mat, take a deep breath, and let's find our balance together. See you there!

See Mrs Goldsmith or Gabbi Blackman for more information. 


Erika Goldsmith |

Youth Climate Institute

The Youth Climate Institute is a 2-year program whose mission is to educate and certify the next generation of leaders on climate science, environmental justice and real-world solutions. Youth Climate Institute student voices are amplified for civic action and positive change in their communities, leading to aware, engaged, and responsible stewards of our shared planet.

Enrollment is open until October 8, 2024 for our next cohort. For more information and to apply, visit:


Erin Smart |