Announcements - Monday, December 3, 2018

  • The Merit Monday cart will be open all lunch shifts. Please remember to bring your merits to lunch and respectfully remind your teachers to give out merits for responsible, respectful and ready behavior.

  • OM, this week is Inclusive Schools Week. Inclusive Schools Week began in 2001 as a way to celebrate the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to a diverse student population. This week also provides an opportunity for educators, students, and parents to discuss what still needs to be done in order to ensure their schools continue to improve their ability to successfully educate all children. This year the theme of Inclusive Schools week is “Kaleidoscope of Friends”. If we look around our school we are surrounded by an infinite array of patterns of brilliant lights created by our diversity. We are OM, we are strongest together!

  • Attention Young Democrats: we’ll be meeting this Thursday after school in Mr. Berry’s room. All are welcome!

  • Attention Spirit Club: we’ll be meeting this Friday after school in Mr. Berry’s room. All are welcome!

  • Auditions will be held at 2:30 TODAY in the auditorium for the Spring musical Mary Poppins. Chamber Choir members will be auditioning first due to their performance this evening. All other time slots will be on a first come, first served basis. If you have signed up to audition, please bring all of your audition materials and please be prompt.

  • Educators Rising will be meeting in Mrs. Goodman's classroom (704) on Wednesday afternoon at 2:15.  You can also talk to Jaylynn Smith or April Thomas for more information.

  • Attention all BSU member! There is A Black Student Union meeting this Wednesday @2:30 in the choir room. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE THERE! 

  • Attention Juniors! Junior Interviews will be held in the Media Center Thursday, December 6th. You will receive an appointment pass confirming your time. There is also a list with your name and interview time posted outside the counseling center on a bulletin board. Make sure you are prepared for your interview by arriving on time, being dressed for success and having a hard copy of your resume with you. Remember this is part of your graduation requirement.

  • Attention Seniors!!  You only have 3 chances to take your senior pictures.  Two of them are this week. Tuesday, December 4th and Wednesday, December 5th.  Most of you have been emailed an appointment time and date. If you do not know when your appointment is instructions will be delivered to your English Class. If you absolutely do not know when your appointment is you may get a pass from a teacher to come down to the auditorium. The Senior Picture Schedule is posted on the wall outside Mr. Cutler’s classroom - Room 403. Underclassmen if you were unable to get your pictures taken earlier this year you also may come to the auditorium on ONLY Wednesday, December 5th to have your pictures taken. Unless you are buying extra photo packages there is no charge for your yearbook photos.

  • The Bible study will meet on Wednesday after school at 2:15 in 408, Mr. Jenkins' room.  All are welcomed to attend.
