Morning Announcements - Thursday, April 25, 2024

  • Junior World of Work Information: There will be a make-up session for Junior Interviews on Tuesday, April 30th in Student Services. Any Junior or Senior still missing this graduation requirement will receive a pass in your English class to attend this event. Participants should come dressed in professional attire and bring a copy of their resume. If you have any questions about this event, please see either Ms. Hart, Mr. Scott, or Ms. Christian in Student Services. Thank you!
  • Prom tickets are on sale!!! Prom will be held on May 11th, 2024 from 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm at Port Discovery in Baltimore, Maryland.  Right after that will be After Prom also located at Port Discovery!! Tickets for Prom can be purchased via OSP using the keyword “Prom” and for After Prom tickets please see fliers posted around the school.  If you have any questions please see Ms. April (in the front office), Ms. Brown-Fordham (room 206), or Ms. Demery (room 809). Guest forms are also located in the front office. 
  • Oakland Mills Wrestling took home almost half of the All-Howard County First Team Wrestlers receiving 7 of the total awarded recognitions.  They had more First Team members than any three teams put together in the rest of the county. Way to go OM Wrestling!! Those wrestlers recognized are:
    • Orlando Castelan-Cortez burst onto the scene as a freshman, winning both a county and 4A/3A South regional title.
    • Francheska Bonilla finished as the runner-up at both the 4A/3A South girls regional and state championships, completing her junior season 20-4.
    • Trinity Butler was a key veteran for the Scorpions finishing as a runner-up at regionals and states, closing out the season 22-4.
    • Raul Rodriguez won at counties as a Sophomore after finishing as a runner-up last year. He then placed second at regionals.
    • Diego Gambrill was one of five Scorpions to win a county title and went on to place fourth at regionals.
    • Joe Clark continued his success from prior seasons, winning both the county and regional titles. He then finished as a state runner-up, ending the year 39-1.
    • Brighton Barker won the county title after finishing as a runner-up last year. He placed fourth at regionals and closed out his career as a state qualifier.
  • The Spring session of the Scorpion Success Program is in full bloom. We will meet from 2:45 to 4:15, Get the help you need to be successful. The bus will leave promptly at 4:15. All students will be expected to be working and sitting with a teacher in the subject area that they are working on.
  • Does your resume need work? Do you NEED a resume? If so, sign up to attend the Resume Workshop on April 26th. Sign-up can be found in the College and Career Newsletter -- look for it in OMHS Student Resource Announcements or email Ms. Dellinger
  • Do you love watching great student-made films? Did you submit to the HoCo Film Festival? Come to our 20th annual film festival on May 3rd at 7 pm at the Miller Library in Ellicott City. Come watch films created by talented students from across the county.
  • Are you interested in a PAID summer internship with Howard County EcoWorks? Build your resume and get paid? Want to learn more? A representative will be at OM on April 30th. Message Ms. Dellinger for a pass to attend the info session.
  • Allied Softball takes on River Hill on Thursday at 315 in the gym. Come out and support your Scorps for their last game of the season.
  • Join us for the Student Choreography Showcase this Thursday, April 25th at 7 PM. Dancers will be performing their own original works. This event is free!
  • Like to crochet or knit? Want to learn how? Come to Yarn Club every Thursday after school in room 307 (Mrs. Magrin's) room. Bring your own project or start one with us. See you there!
  • The merit cart will be open on Friday during all lunch shifts. Electronics, gift cards, and more are available to be purchased using your scorp bucks and merits. Don’t forget to bring your scorp bucks and merits to lunch and respectfully remind your teachers to give merits out for being respectful, responsible, and ready. All merits must have your name and a legible teacher signature.
  • To support the merit cart, Mrs. Urszuy will be selling snacks after school in room 808. Come support the merit cart and buy some chips and chocolate.