Morning Announcements - Wednesday, March 28, 2018

  • Lunch: pork ribique on a steak roll; popcorn chicken; oven baked grilled cheese.

  • The PTSA is giving four  $500 scholarships for seniors.  The applications are available in the Student Services office.  The deadline to apply is  March 29.

  • Prom tickets are now available online for just $60 through spring break! Coming soon: a link to the ticket sales on our website.

  • There is a mandatory meeting for all King of the Mill participants, guys and girls, this Wednesday after school in room 310. Please bring all forms and be prepared to discuss all parts of the show. See Ms. Bouvier with questions.

  • The Escorpiones Latinos Club will be meeting this Thursday after school in room 411. Everyone is welcomed!

  • Any seniors wanting spirit wear please submit the form and money to Ms. Kaufmann by Thursday after school.

  • PBIS will be raffling off 2 movie tickets each lunch shift on Wednesday. Please bring your merits to lunch so you can win a movie ticket for you and a friend. Don't forget you have to be in it to win it!

  • There will be a VIBES Girls' Group meeting on Thursday after-school at 2:15 in Ms. Collins' room, room 501.

  • Attention students/teachers: Want a chance to win a $20 gift card to Chick-fil-A? Frostee’s donut shop will be having an end of the year special where for each product bought, you can be put in a drawing to win a $20 gift card!

  • There will be auditions for the OM talent show today. The talent show will be April 12th. We will meet after school today in the cafeteria at 2:30. Any questions? Find Mr. Wallace or Mr. Ringgold.
