Morning Announcements - Thursday, February 1, 2024

Congratulations to the Girls Track and Field team for winning the Howard County Championships on Monday. Alicia Hall broke the county and meet record in the Triple Jump, Shania Staats broke the county and meet record in the Long Jump, Valerie Ashamu won the High Jump, and the girls 4x4 relay of Janelle Codrington, Fisayo Sule, Mackenzie Smith, and Frankie Moore placed 1st. Great job Ladies!

Are you interested in running Outdoor Track? There will be a meeting in room 507 directly after school on Thursday 2/8. Scan the QR Codes around the building for additional information.

Like to crochet or knit? Want to learn how? Come to Yarn Club every Thursday after school in room 307 (Mrs. Magrin's) room. Bring your own project or start one with us. See you there!

If you are playing Girls Lacrosse this year there will be a meeting after school on Tuesday 2/13/2024 in room 503.

Last call for Senior Portraits! Schedule your Senior Portrait to be taken on February 2nd in the Media Center. Scan the QR codes in the hallways or visit See Ms. Veltre in room 304 if you have any questions. 

The Scorpion Success Program is on a modified schedule. Transportation IS NOT being provided until February. We will meet Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, in the media center, starting January 23rd from 2:45 - 3:15. Come get work done, there are snacks and teachers to help you. 

To support the merit cart, Mrs. Urszuy will be selling snacks after school in room 808. Come support the merit cart and buy some chips and chocolate. 

The merit cart will be open on Friday during all lunch shifts. Electronics, gift cards, and more are available to be purchased using your scorp bucks and merits. Don’t forget to bring your scorp bucks and merits to lunch and respectfully remind your teachers to give merits out for being respectful, responsible, and ready. All merits must have your name and a legible teacher signature.