Morning Announcements - Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Attention Juniors: Are you interested in a career in Electrical, Nursing, or Barber? Would you like to start your career in these fields next year and GET PAID? Would you like to take a field trip to learn more about Electrical, Nursing, or Barbery? If yes, go to Canvas Announcements for more information and field trip forms OR see Mrs. Dellinger, your Career Readiness Advisor. 

Last call for Senior Portraits! Schedule your Senior Portrait to be taken on February 2nd in the Media Center. Scan the QR codes in the hallways or visit See Ms. Veltre in room 304 if you have any questions. 

Students, your family file/emergency card must be updated by a parent/guardian every year. No updated family file means no field trips and no prom tickets. Printed directions can be picked up in the front office.

To support the merit cart, Mrs. Urszuy will be selling snacks after school in room 808. Come support the merit cart and buy some chips and chocolate. 

The Scorpion Success Program is on a modified schedule. Transportation IS NOT being provided until February. We will meet Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, in the media center, starting January 23rd from 2:45 - 3:15. Come get work done, there are snacks and teachers to help you. 

There will be no Yoga after school today.