Morning Announcements - Wednesday, November 6, 2019

  • The Boys Lacrosse interest meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled and has been rescheduled to next Wednesday 11/13 after school in the Cafeteria.

  • Hey Future Scorpion Cheerleaders: Cheer tryouts begin next week! Tryout Clinics are scheduled for Nov 15th 18th and 19th from 3:00PM - 6:30PM. Please note, you must be present for All tryout days. All athletic forms are due Nov 15th. Please visit the front office for a flyer containing more information.

  • The National Art Honor Society will be meeting TODAY as planned in room 707 in the art department. The meeting will begin at 2:20 and end at approximately 3:00.

  • All female fall athletes that borrowed a lock during season, need to return them to Coach Hewitt TOMORROW, November 7th. If the lock isn’t returned, there will be a $5.00 obligation prohibiting you from purchasing tickets and going on field trips. 

  • Please look for an announcement under your Oakland Mills High School Student Resources Canvas Course for a mental health/wellness survey. Your responses to this 5 minute survey will help a student group plan upcoming activities to address mental health at OMHS. Responses are not required, however, your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  • Do your parents or guardians speak Spanish? Mr. de la Mar will be hosting a College and Career readiness presentation given completely in Spanish. It will be held TOMORROW, November 7 beginning at 7:00pm in the media center. This is specifically for all of our Spanish speaking families, so that they can be informed about your future as students. It is for all grades, so please encourage your parents or guardians to attend. If you have any questions or would like a flyer for the event, speak with Mr. de la Mar.

  • Attention Spirit Club: we’ll be meeting this Friday, November 8th after school in Ms. Anderson-Little’s room, room 203. All are welcome!

  • Are you a current 10th grader and interested in seeing what ARL is like? Are you interested in Automotive, Construction, Biotechnology, Veterinary/Agriculture, HVAC to name a few? You will have the opportunity to shadow at the Applications and Research Lab (ARL). There are two dates available November 20th and November 21st. You can get your permission slip from Mrs. DeMasi in Student Services. You will need to get it signed and returned to Mrs. DeMasi by Friday, November 8th.

  • All boys interested in trying out for the basketball teams this winter: You need to have your paperwork turned into Coach Browne by next Wednesday, Nov.13. Please make sure you and your parent/guardian have reviewed all the pages and signed where required. No paperwork will be accepted the day of tryouts. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you need paperwork stop by Coach Browne’s room, Rm.510 to collect all paperwork you will need for tryouts.

  • If you want to participate in our Welcome Home discussion with other students about our schools identity and how we can contribute to making it a better place sign up now for our welcome home program scheduled for Tuesday, November 19. Permission slips can be found in the counseling center and in the media center. Pick one up, get it filled out and turn it in as soon as you can. (Mon, Wed, Fri - through Nov 11)

  • Did you know...Career and Technology Education Career Academies provide high school students with opportunities to earn college credit, scholarships, and industry certifications, participate in worksite and mentorship experiences, and participate in hands-on project based learning?  Courses of study include Arts, Media and Communication, Construction and Development, Hospitality and Tourism, Environmental, Health and Biosciences, Human Resources Services, Information Technology, and Manufacturing, to name a few. There are two dates available, November 13th and December 10th.  Please see Mrs. DeMasi in Student Services or your student counselor for more information.

  • The GSA is holding a rainbow fundraiser! After school for the next two Tuesdays, November 12th & 19th, you can get some unique rainbow scorpion gear in Ms. Connor's room 804. Bring your own plain cotton shirt that we'll screen print for $5.00 or choose a shirt that we have on hand to screen print on for $10.00. A portion of the profits will be donated to PFLAG!  Online payments can be made via OMHS website, “online payments” at the bottom of the homepage.  All staff and students are welcome. Thanks for your support!
