Announcements - Tuesday, April 30, 2019

  • Varsity Baseball won 7-4 over Long Reach yesterday! Ben Looper pitched a great game and had 2 RBI’s. Ryan Looper closed it out to get the win. Big hit from Andrew Kell and a great day behind the plate for Kyle Kirby!

  • The tennis team had a great match against Long Reach yesterday.  Grace Magori and Ira Valeza won at #2 girls doubles; Zahra Allidina and Samantha Mosley won at #3 girls doubles; and Henri Burkhead won at #1 boys singles.  Come support the tennis team today against Centennial.

  • Attention Delta Scholars - There will be a short Delta Scholars meeting TODAY after school. Delta’s please meet us in the cafeteria.

  • Attention Students - The lost and found bin in the cafeteria will be donated to a local charity on Friday, May 3.

  • The OMHS Book Club will meet in Ms. Brooks’ room 303 after school this Wednesday to discuss The Poet X the debut novel by Elizabeth Acevedo. Join us even if you haven’t read it! We will also discuss the recent poetry celebration that was held in the Media Center.

  • Attention Alpha Achievers! Our annual senior banquet will be held on Thursday, May 9 in the cafeteria at 7 PM. Seniors, be sure to have your service hours into Mr. Ringgold or Mr. Wallace by the end of this week. To all other Alpha Achievers this is a mandatory event so please plan to attend Thursday, May 9 at 7 PM. Also, we will have a meeting within the next few days where we will conduct our elections. If you are interested in running for an office, please let Mr. Ringgold or Mr. Wallace know as soon as possible.

  • Attention all students: your student government association in conjunction with the student voice counsel has presented to the administration a proposal for students to go outside during lunch. The Admin Team is reviewing the proposal and looking at its implementation. This week you were here rules and guidelines such as no ordering food and keeping our outside clean. Listen for more information as we look to start possibly next week.

  • This year Oakland Mills will be providing accommodations for Muslim students observing Ramadan during 4th quarter. These accommodations include a space for prayer, the ability to go to the Media Center during lunch, and an after-school study hall arrangement. An interest meeting, for those who need these accommodations, will be held on TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 1st, 2019, after school, in room 410 (Powell). For more information, you can speak to Ms. Powell.
