Morning Announcements - Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Students, your family file/emergency card must be updated by a parent/guardian every year. No updated family file means no field trips and no prom tickets. Printed directions can be picked up in the front office.

Be a part of OMHS’s first Unified Physical Education and Leadership class! Do you like PE? Do you have friends in our Academic Life Skills program? Do you want a fun class that looks great on a resume? Do you want to develop leadership skills and lifelong friendships with students with disabilities? If so, please see Coach Speake or Mrs. Murphy to hear more about it.

ATTENTION JUNIORS…The World of Work Junior Interviews are happening this Thursday on December 14th in the media center. This is a graduation requirement. Participants should come dressed in professional attire and bring a copy of their resume. If you have any questions about this event, please see either Ms. Hart, Mr. Scott, or Ms. Christian in Student Services.

The OMHS Winter Dance Concert is Friday, December 15th and Saturday, December 16th at 7PM. This concert features both the dance companies and classes. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased in advance online or with cash at the door. We hope to see you there!

Are you interested in taking either Independent Research or Intern/Mentor next year? Then come to Room 100 (Mrs. Smart's room) after school on Thursday to find out more!

Have you been craving a hot, freshly grilled burrito? Go to the new Chipotle on Broken Land Parkway this Saturday, the 16th of December between 5 -9 pm to support Air Force JROTC. A perfect choice to stop by on the way home from the holiday parade.

The Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union is hosting a movie night on Friday evening, December 15, at 5pm in Mr Lo's room 511. We will be showing Howl's Moving Castle. All APISU members and other interested students are welcome to attend.

The Upper Level Courses Shadow week will run from January 4th - 12th. The Shadow Week is an opportunity for you to experience an Upper Level Course this year as you plan your course registration for next year. If you are interested in participating in our Shadow Week you must complete the “Upper Level Classes Google Form” by December 19th. See the Canvas Announcements in the Student Community or the Flyer in the Cafeteria for Links to the Google Form. 

Winter Makeup Testing will begin Thursday December 7th and run through Thursday December 21st. Students who did not take the tests for English 10, Algebra 1, American Government or MISA Biology last spring will be required to test. Students who will be testing will be given a pass the day before. Testing will begin at 8:00 am in the cafeteria. You will need to bring your FULLY charged Chromebook to school on testing days.