Morning Announcements - Thursday, January 16, 2020
- Come one - Come all! TODAY, Thursday, January 16th there is an important Environmental Club Meeting in Room 801 (that's the room attached to the Greenhouse). Great day to join Oakland Mills Environmental Club and hear about cool things coming our way!
- Don't forget that all schedule requests for next year are due TOMORROW. Make sure that you select 7 credits and 3 alternates.
- Attention Spirit Club: we’ll be meeting TOMORROW after school in Ms. Anderson-Little’s room, room 203. All are welcome!
- Are you interested in advertising, publicity, or graphic design? The OMHS theatre department is holding a poster design contest for the spring musical “Footloose”! If you are interested in designing a poster, please come and see Ms. Hoffen for further details! All designs need to be submitted TOMORROW.
- The Scorpion Success program will be meeting in the cafeteria on Tuesday, January 21st. Bring your Midterm Reviews to prepare for testing.
- The Masons in Howard County want to give you free money! The Masons are offering a terrific, multi-layered scholarship opportunity. The farther you advance in the process, the more money you can receive in scholarships. Scholarships range from $500 to $7,000. In all, more than $70,000 will be awarded. Please see Ms. DeMasi in Student Services for more information, and to obtain your copy of the application.