- Attention students - All items in the lost and found bucket will be donated on Thursday, November 21. If you lost any items, please take a look in the bin located in the cafeteria. Wednesday, November 20 will be your last chance to recover any lost items.
- There will be a Delta Scholar Presentation Meeting TODAY Tuesday, November 13th from 2:15 - 3:30. All Delta Scholars are required to attend. Must be in DELTA SCHOLAR BUSINESS ATTIRE and Pin.
- Attention all boys interested in playing lacrosse in the spring... There will be a brief informational meeting after school on Wednesday 11/14 in room 204. If you are interested in playing lacrosse your attendance is required. Please see coach Riss if you need any additional details.
- The Environmental Club will be meeting on Thursday, November 15 after school in 804, Ms Connor's room. We will be planting trees, so please bring a jacket. Whether you are a club member, new and interested in joining, or just want to help out and earn some service hours, please come to Ms Connors room after school on Thursday.
- Do you need service hours?? Educators Rising is having an outreach event on Friday, November 16th @ 2:15-3:30 in Mrs.Goodman’s room, Room 704. Come out and help your community and show your OM pride.
- BSU Meeting this Wednesday, November 15 after school at 2:15 pm in the Choir room, all are welcome.
- Hey Future Scorpion Cheerleaders! Tryouts begin this week! Remember to turn in ALL registration paperwork on Today, Nov 13th in the Aux Gym from 4:00PM - 5:30PM - Please note, Today is ONLY for paperwork, not tryouts.
- Tryouts are scheduled for November 15th and 16th 4-6pm and November 26th and 27th 4-7pm. You must be present for ALL tryout days!
- Attention DECA Members or students looking for community service hours!!!
- DECA will be selling merchandise at the Football State Championship Games again this year. If you are in need of community service hours see Mr. Cutler in Room 403. The games are held on Thursday, November 29th, Friday, November 30th and Saturday December 1st. It is first come first served so speak to Mr. Cutler soon for more details.
- Auditions will be held Monday, December 3rd at 2:30pm for the OMHS Spring Musical, “Mary Poppins.” Anyone interested in being a part of this magical production must sign up for an audition spot. Sign up sheets, information forms for auditions and stage crew are available this week outside the theater classroom near the cafeteria.
- Attention NHS members: Our monthly meeting is on Wednesday, November 14 in the Media Center during Scorp Time. Please be sure to get a Scorp Time pass from Ms. T or Ms. Bakhru before the meeting.
- Students, buying tickets to any upcoming event or going on a school-sponsored field trip requires a completed online family file. Printed directions are available in the front office.
- Attention Freshmen: if you are interested in running for office as an Student Government representative for the Class of 2022 petitions are now available. Speak to Ms. Powell in room 410 to get a petition and discuss the election process. Elections will be held November 14th.
- All boys interested in trying out for basketball this winter, your paperwork is due to Coach Browne ASAP.
- All girls that played a fall sport need to return their sport’s lock to Mrs. Hewitt immediately. All locks will be removed on November 14th. If you don’t return your lock, it is a $5.00 obligation.
- The Bible study will meet tomorrow after school at 2:15 in 408, Mr. Jenkins' room. All are welcomed to attend.