Announcements - Wednesday, October 31, 2018

  • The Scorpion Success Program will NOT be meeting today.  Please DO NOT stay after school.  The program will resume tomorrow.

  • The environmental club will be meeting after school today in room 804.  BRING YOUR COATS as we will be going outside. If you are interested in working on the school garden and earning service hours, meet in ms connor’s room after school today.

  • Are you a current 10th grader and interested in seeing what ARL is like? Are you interested in Automotive, Construction, Biotechnology to name a few? You will have the opportunity to shadow at the Applications and Research Lab (ARL). There are three dates available: November 27th, November 28th and November 29th. You can get your permission slip from Mrs. Monteith. You will need to get it signed and returned to Mrs. Monteith in the Counseling Center by November 8th.

  • Interested in high school cheerleading? Join the OMHS Cheer Coaches on Thursday, November  8th @ 2:30PM in the Cafeteria to learn more about the OMHS Cheer Program and cheerleading tryouts for the Winter Season. Don't forget to sign-in at the interest meeting to receive helpful tips prior to tryouts. Hope to see you there!

  • Everyone interested in playing baseball for OM this spring needs to attend a meeting on Wednesday, October 31 in the Cafeteria at 2:20.

  • All boys interested in trying out for basketball this winter, your paperwork is due to Coach Browne ASAP.

  • November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). National Novel Writing Month is an annual event that helps people of all ages write a novel IN JUST ONE MONTH! The OMHS Book Club will be expanding their scope! We will be meeting every Wednesday from Oct 31 - Nov 28 (after school) in room 303 until 4pm to WRITE a book! All OMMS and OMHS students and teachers are welcome to join Ms. Brooks in room 303 at OMHS on Wednesdays. We will help you register in National Novel Writing Month and earn badges for each writing goal you meet!!

  • Do you need a place after school to get your work done, to get organized and to get help in all your subjects? The Scorpion Success after school program meets every Wednesday and Thursday in room 808. Applications are on the OMHS website, in the student services office, in the front office and in Mrs. Urszuy's room 808. We meet in room 808 at 2:20. Come, have a snack and get your work done so you can relax at home and still improve your grades.

  • The Oakland Mills Bible Study will meet in 408, Mr. Jenkins' room at 2:15 today after school.  All are welcomed to attend.
