PTSA News (4/27/18)


After Prom - May 5-6 @OMHS 11pm-3am

Packets DUE: Next Week, Wed, May 2
Juniors, Seniors, & your dates please make your plans to attend the greatest After-Prom ever. Go to to printout your after prom packet. Completed forms may be turned in at the office. Your PTSA is paying for this event.

!!!! URGENT NEED !!!! for After Prom Volunteers  

Prom is just around the corner and one of our big events that is supported by the OMHS PTSA is after prom. This year we have shortened the event to 11:00pm – 3:00am.
We rely on parents of ALL students to volunteer to help with after-prom, even if they are not attending after-prom. Without your support, we cannot have a successful after-prom, and without volunteers there is no event. We need a minimum 30 volunteers. So please help us by volunteering.

Click the link for the packet of information and to sign up!

Please sign up to bring donations

If you have questions, please feel free to contact the after-prom co-chairs, Jen Atkins or Mary Ann Carroll at

While checking out our website please have your child answer the OMHS family feud survey.

PTA Board for 2018-2019

It is time once again for the PTSA Nominating Committee to recruit candidates for its Board for the next year. The goal of the nominating committee is to enlist the talents of as many OMHS parents, friends and family as possible. Please see the flyer for more information.

If you are interested in serving as a Board Member, or if you have any questions, please contact, Margaret Kraak by email at by April 30, 2018. Elections will be held in May.
Please note: All interested persons being considered for office must be current PTSA members. Non-members can still join the PTSA. Thank you in advance for your willingness to serve!

2018 TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK is coming up next month

The PTSA is planning to show the OMHS staff how great we think they are but need a few volunteers to make this happen. Please see the sign up for opportunities to help at: 

Questions? Contact Mary Botticelli at 443-812- 6245 or

Host Families Sought for AFS Exchange Students:

Next school year, some twenty AFS exchange students from around the world will come to Howard County for a life-changing year. Exchange students live in a family such as yours and attend your local HS. Host families volunteer to provide room and board for a student and get to know a great kid and learn more about a different part of our world. Students are available from countries around the world, such as Norway, Italy, Indonesia, India, Japan, Thailand, and Germany and many more. You can pick kids who enjoy hobbies such as singing, playing soccer, baking, manga, or playing music.

If you would like to hear more about the process of becoming a host family or any other aspect of our program, please contact Christina McGarvey at (410) 997-7087 or

From HC DrugFree:

HC DrugFree’s Teen Advisory Council Meetings – Open to All HS Teens: TAC will meet on May 21 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Barn (Teen Center) in the Oakland Mills Village Center. TAC is open to all Howard County high school students and community service hours are available. Free pizza. Teens must complete the registration form found on the Teen Advisory Council page at and RSVP to before each meeting.