Morning Announcements - Thursday, March 29, 2018

  • Lunch: spaghetti and meat sauce; nachos and cheese; chicken patty or spicy chicken patty.

  • The PTSA is giving four $500 scholarships for seniors.  The applications are available in the Student Services office. The deadline to apply is today.

  • The Escorpiones Latinos Club will be meeting today after school in room 411. Everyone is welcome.

  • Any seniors wanting spirit wear please submit the form and money to Ms. Kaufmann today after school.

  • There will be a VIBES Girls' Group meeting on Thursday after-school at 2:15 in Ms. Collins Room 501.

  • Attention students/teachers: Want a chance to win a $20 gift card to chick fil a? Frostee’s donut shop will be having an end of the year special where for each product bought, you can be put in a drawing to win a $20 gift card!

  • Students and staff, we have a lot of field trips coming up this spring.  In order for a student to participate on field trips or special events, the student's family file-emergency card must be updated online.  If directions are needed, please stop by the front office.

  • Do you or someone you know need a prom dress? Becca’s closet at Atholton High School still has over 500 free prom dresses to give away! The closet will be opened April 14th at 1:30pm. If you plan to attend please email
