OM FAB Annual Mattress Fundraiser

Do you need a mattress or know someone who does? Don't bother running around to mattress stores. Just come to OMHS on March 30, 2025 from 10:00am - 5:00pm, where the Fine Arts Boosters (FAB) and Custom Fundraising Solutions - Baltimore will have a pop-up mattress store set up in the cafeteria. These are name-brand mattresses made to order and delivered to your home. 

Every purchase supports the OMHS performing arts!

The Fine Arts Boosters (FAB) supports our OM performing arts groups. The mattress sale  is a great opportunity for FAB to raise funds. FAB has already committed over $11,000 this year to the performing arts, including funding clinicians, supplies, and repairs to stage lighting in the auditorium. If you have been thinking of buying a new bed or know someone else who is, please try out the pop-up mattress store at OM on the 30th. If you would like to know more about how this fundraiser works, please watch the video or text SCORPIONS to 301-301-3269. Please also like FAB's Facebook event and indicate that you are interested or going as FAB will receive $1 for every like! Finally, please share the attached student referral flyer with friends and family, and don't forget to bring one for yourself if you come to the sale. Students will receive prizes for referrals that result in a sale!


Image of flier for OM FAB Mattress Fundraiser.