WBAL Concert for Kids 2021


Please join Oakland Mills High School on Saturday, December 4th at 2:00pm (family matinee) and 7:30pm (evening pops) for the annual Concert for Kids to benefit the WBAL Radio Kids Campaign, a holiday concert that supports our community by raising funds and awareness for the WBAL Radio Kids Campaign. A true community event, the Concert for Kids features professional soloists, choirs, dancers, and students from many Howard County high schools. WBAL Radio On-Air personalities and a visit from Jolly Old Saint Nick himself are also highlights of the annual concert. For more information please visit https://www.concertforkids.net/.

To purchase tickets in advance please visit https://concertforkids.ticketleap.com/cfk-2021/.

Image of the flier for the WBAL Concert for Kids performances.