Good afternoon Juniors and Parents/Guardians:
In our Naviance lessons during the week of April 9, 2019, we worked with students on the essential steps involved with preparing for life after high school. We shared information with each student which included information about:
- the new Apprenticeship Maryland Program (info flyer attached)
- the military and vocational schools
- Howard Community College and 4-year college/university details
The transcript request/college application process entails a lot of information. We started going over it this week but will also share much of it in early September. We would encourage you to review the presentation we went over with students. Students were assigned a few tasks. They need to complete Counselor Information Form and two Teacher Information forms that are used to write recommendations if they are planning to apply to college.
We ask that parents complete the Parent Input form to provide us additional information to use in students’ letters of recommendation. This is available under the parent account in Naviance (you cannot access this from your student’s account). Click the About Me tab and then My Surveys and then Surveys Not Started. There will be one that says Parent Input Form-Class of 2020. If you have not accessed Naviance before, please contact your child’s counselor in order to receive your log-in information. These tasks need to be completed by the last day of school. Please keep in mind that these specific tasks only pertain to those students that intend to apply to at least one college or university.
Please let your child’s counselor know if you have any questions. We are here to assist you throughout this process.
Oakland Mills Counseling Center