PTSA News - Thursday, October 18, 2018


Countdown to the OM Craft Fair

TWO WEEKS from now the annual OM Craft Fair will be on November 3 from 10am - 4pm. 100 crafters will be on hand to offer one-of-a-kind homemade treats!  The PTSA will be selling baked goods and drinks.  If you are able to volunteer, please contact Jennifer Atkins ( and/or sign up to donate baked goods, etc at the link below:

Students are encouraged to volunteer (and earn service hours!) as well!

One Day Only Opportunities: Homecoming Dance & Teacher-Conferences Appreciation Meal

The PTSA needs volunteers with lunchtime availability. Please consider helping with the Staff Appreciation lunch at OMHS during 1st quarter Conferences (Tentative - Monday, November 19 Lunch). Please contact the PTSA at

There are only a few spots left to volunteer at the Homecoming Dance on Saturday evening. Please sign up at

Winter Coat Drive

On behalf of HCPSS Pupil Personnel Workers (PPWs), PTA Council of Howard County and other community organizations are supporting the annual coat drive to provide students in our own school community (and their families) who are in need of winter wear (coats, gloves, hats, and scarves).  As you go through your winter wear for the upcoming season please set aside donations and stay tuned for more details about drop off.

Membership Updates

Congratulations to the Oct 17 Membership Raffle winner, teacher-member Diane Urzuy! Thank you for supporting our students through your work and your PTSA membership.

Happy Homecoming Weekend to all and especially our 180 members; where Parents are 100, Teachers are 35, and Students are 45! Go Scorps!
You might still be a winner... 1 more raffle on October 31. Join PTSA to support our students & for a chance to win a gift card. Email for info on how to join.

Greg's Driving School

Classes are held at OM & there is space available in upcoming classes!  Sign up at